Is This Grade School a 'Cult'? (And Do Parents Care?) — The Atlantic on Waldorf schools.
Crystals... made of time — Physicists: "Ignore the infinities and try this." Universe: "Not likely."
Teen bank robber from Nebraska brags about crime on YouTube video — The self-described ‘Chick bank robber’ flashed her stolen loot on video – now she faces time behind bars. Welcome to crime in the age of social media. (Via
Senate Republicans Block Ratification Of U.N. Treaty On Rights For The Disabled, Citing Impact On Home-Schoolers — Stay classy, conservative America. It's what you do best.
Congressman’s Restaurant Refused To Serve Muslim Couple — More class from Sarah Palin's "real Americans".
I think an awful lot of what passes for political discourse in this country these days works off that principle: There's money in making stupid people mad. — Votes, too. Hence the perennial GOP electoral strategy of generating angry white men. (Snurched from Slacktivist Fred Clark.) Columnist Attacks Bob Costas For Correctly Drawing Connection Between Guns And Murder — From the "la-la-la-la, I can't hear you" school of the obvious about the relationship between guns and violence. Why is the Second Amendment's guarantees of freely available instruments of murder so absolutely sacred to conservatives while the First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom gets constantly shredded by the very same people? Compensating much?
Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix? — Did Karl Rove's hack get hacked? A question I myself have asked. It would explain a lot about the last-minute expectations of the Romney campaign.
GOP’s McCain, Graham, Collins used same language as Rice to describe Benghazi attack — Both Rice and the Senators used the term “mob” to describe those who perpetrated the attack on our consulate and CIA station in Libya. None of them referred to terrorists, or Al Qaeda. Yet the Senators are now faulting Rice for not referring to Al Qaeda when the Senators themselves did not refer to Al Qaeda. More of that justly famed principled intellectual consistency from the American Right, I see.
In Search of a Gatekeeper — . It eludes Welch that one of the long-term failings of the conservative movement has been its tendency to condemn former allies that it no longer found useful. As a political movement, it has been increasingly interested in heresy-hunting and not all that interested in persuasion in recent years. Perhaps that is in the nature of any political movement, but it has afflicted the conservative movement very much in the last two decades. Each purge simply makes the conservative movement and the Republican Party increasingly rigid, unimaginative, and oblivious to the world around it.
Republicans not handling election results well — 49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the election for President Obama. We found that 52% of Republicans thought that ACORN stole the 2008 election for Obama, so this is a modest decline, but perhaps smaller than might have been expected given that ACORN doesn't exist anymore. Yep, those finely honed minds on the American right.
?otD: Did I miss ruby Tuesday?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo brain)
Hours slept: 9.0 hours (8.0 hours extremely fitful plus napping)
Body movement: 0.5 hours stationary bike ride
Weight: 219.0
Number of FEMA troops on my block teaching evolution to children and redistributing wealth: 0
Currently reading: The Hydrogen Sonata by Iain M. Banks