The Acts of Whimsy cancer fundraiser and the Lakeside Kickstarter for the documentary about me,
Haciendo el gamberro por una buena causa — The Acts of Whimsy fundraiser goes global...
The alternate history of my cancer — Hahahah. Speaking of whimsy.
Time to Refill Your Prescription For Zxygjfb — An amusing squib on the naming of drugs, especially cancer drugs. The comments are worth a browse as well. (Via David Goldman.)
Mass cancer mapping centre opens — (Via
Peptide depots and DNA tattoos could deliver drugs in the future — New methods boost the efficiency of biologically-inspired treatments. Interesting story with an annoyingly sexist photo illustration.
The World SF Travel Fund — In 2011, a combination of genre professionals and fans from the international scene and the United States gathered together to create the World SF Travel Fund. The fund was set up to enable one or two international persons involved in science fiction, fantasy or horror to travel to a major genre event. This strikes me as a worthy cause. Have a look.
Index of maps — Links to maps of fantasy worlds. You weren't doing anything else for the next week or so, were you? (Via Andrew Wheeler.)
50 Collective Nouns to Bolster Your Vocabulary — "Terms of venery"? Really? That phrase ought to mean something else. (Snurched from Daily Idioms, Annotated.)
It Takes Planning, Caution to Avoid Being 'It' — Group of Men Have Played Game of Tag for 23 Years; Hiding in Bushes, Cars. (Via Slacktivist</em> Fred Clark.)
Surfer Garrett McNamara Conquers His 100-Foot Wave — Wow.
At 43, Navy vet becomes freshman forward — I am normally indifferent to sports stories, but this is cool as heck. (Via Slacktivist</em> Fred Clark.)
Bridge of Sighs: 1903 — A striking Shorpy image of Pittsburgh.
Detecting lost rooms with architectural antennae
Requiem for a Dreamliner? — (Snurched from Scrivener's Error.)
Simulation reveals evolutionary origins of modularity — In case you were wondering.
More Evidence That Mars Once Had Flowing Water
Are you a humanist? — Some fairly silly assumptions embedded in these questions, but I still like it. I scored 96%. (Via @pzmyers.)
The Marketing Tactics of Firearm Manufacturers — (Via
Bus driver shot dead; child held hostage in bunker — Another of Sarah Palin's "Real Americans" exercising his Second Amendment rights to theoretical defense of essential liberties. Aren't we all made safer by guns?
Are Conservatives Happier than Liberals? — Interesting piece about transitions.
Immigration and the Future of America — Not looking good for those angry white men.
QotD?: Was it the monkey or the plywood violin?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (still in post-operative recovery)
Hours slept: 9.25 hours (fitful)
Body movement: 0.0 hours (post-operative recovery)
Weight: n/a (forgot)
Number of FEMA troops on my block protecting women from violence: 0
Currently reading: The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett