Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad wakes up in Austin having eaten chicken fried steak the night before

50 Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings) — Wow. (Via [info]shelly_rae.)

"Sorry" doesn't change it Noise and Signal on what death means to the survivors. She's talking about suicide here, but a lot of this applies to my own life as well.

New Film Examines if Internet Addiction Led to a Baby’s Death by Neglect — Sigh. (Via David Goldman.)

Brit challenges downtown Portland's Mill Ends Park title of 'world's smallest city park' — Hah! (Via [info]mlerules.)

See-through brains clarify connectionsTechnique to make tissue transparent offers three-dimensional view of neural networks.

Dinosaur 'embryo bonebed' yields delights for researchers

Lost in the Supermarket — This will make you think about what you eat.

When it comes to vaccination, bad news is contagiousAnd on Twitter, good information apparently does not bear repeating. A sad reminder that the American Right does not hold a monopoly on willful ignorance and anti-science idiocy.

Noah’s Flood is proof that climate change isn’t man-made, says GOP — I can't possibly comment on this one. It's too mind boggling as it stands.

Climate Change: The Moral ChoicesThe effects of global warming will persist for hundreds of years. What are our responsibilities and duties today to help safeguard the distant future? That is the question ethicists are now asking. Good luck with trying to apply ethical thinking to a core conservative issue.

New Guidelines Call for Broad Changes in Science EducationEducators unveiled new guidelines on Tuesday that call for sweeping changes in the way science is taught in the United States — including, for the first time, a recommendation that climate change be taught as early as middle school. Well, that will send the wing nuts around the bend. Next thing you know, they'll be teaching evolution in biology class, and this country will be one of the pits of hell.

How The NRA Secretly Protects People Who Commit Crimes With GunsOver the past few decades, the NRA has tucked so-called “riders” into annual appropriations bills funding various government functions in order to avoid scrutiny in the regular legislative process. While the gun lobby is hardly the only special interest to employ this tactic, they have been enormously successful in undermining basic federal and local gun regulations through these riders. (Via Slacktivist Fred Clark.)

10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down — Ah, more of those liberal "facts" and "data" from the reality-based community, a/k/a the real world. Good thing conservatives and the gun culture don't have to pay attention to this shit. (Via Marta Murvosh.)

Senator James Inhofe Suggests Newtown Families Can’t Think for Themselves"See, I think it's so unfair of the administration to hurt these families, to make them think this has something to do with them when, in fact, it doesn't," Inhofe explained. And if they believe it does, "that's because they've been told that by the president." What a festering pit of moral bankruptcy and intellectual dishonesty. Are you proud of your Republican party?

QotD?: What did you have for dinner?

Writing time yesterday: 5.0 hours (WRPA, editing work on Process of Writing and METAtroplis: Green Space)
Hours slept: 5.25 hours (fitful)
Body movement: 0.0 hours (raining outside, no exercise equipment where I am staying)
Weight: 0.0 (away from home)
Number of FEMA troops on my block enforcing Agenda 21 by closing down golf courses: 0
Currently reading: Hogfather by Terry Pratchett

Tags: art, cancer, christianists, climate, cool, culture, education, funny, guns, health, healthcare, links, nature, personal, politics, portland, religion, science

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