I divided the process into a number of event-based stages. These can't really be date-based, because we won't know until we get there when certain things happen. These stages are:
- Now
- Terminal Diagnosis
- Leaving Work for Disability
- Reaching the Point of Cognitive Incompetence
- Hospice / Palliative Care
- Death
These are in rough chronological order, though there may be overlap between various stages. Within each, I've listed all the things the four of us could think of that need to be dealt with, and who will do the dealing with. (Slightly redacted for privacy and business confidentiality.) The line items aren't in any particular order at the moment, though they may acquire ordering in my tracking spreadsheet as this all progresses. Some of the line items are obvious and self-explanatory, others could unpack into entire blog posts of their own. For now, this is what I have.
This is a sobering and depressing process. But being prepared now will make the later stages of my death much, much easier on everyone involved, at least from a logistical perspective. By then we should be focused on emotions and relationships, not how the heck the gas bill is going to be paid.
Now | |
Transfer utilities into Mother of the Child's name | Jay |
Transfer/confirm car titles into Mother of the Child's name | Jay, Mother of the Child |
Discuss transition to literary trust with attorney - PO Box, phone, bank account etc. | Jay, Dad, attorney, John P. |
Put Lisa on writing account, PO Box, other paperwork TBD(?) | Jay, Lisa |
Confirm with attorney how mortgage and house title are handled post-mortem with Mother of the Child, seek additional paperwork as required | Jay, Mother of the Child, attorney, Dad |
Make written plans for future transition steps, especially with regard to treatment decisions in mid- to late-stage decline | Jay |
See accountant re tax planning for FY 2013 and (if required) FY 2014 | Jay, Dad, Mother of the Child (?) |
Define memorial gifts desired | Jay |
Letters and videos for | Jay, Donnie |
House inventory - who gets what, consult family | Jay, Lisa, others |
Basement clean-and-purge | Jay, Lisa, others |
Investigate COBRA and post-mortem health insurance options for Mother of the Child and | Dad |
Revisit question of my two disability policies, presumably with disability lawyer | Jay, Dad |
Title Audit | Jay, Dad |
Post-mortem humor | Jay |
Terminal Diagnosis | |
Plan and execute premortem wake | Jay, Team E., Lisa |
Finalize writing projects, collaborators, et cetera | Jay, John P. |
Discussions with | Jay, Mother of the Child, Lisa |
Arrange cadaver donation to medical school | Jay |
Plan memorial ceremony, including music | Jay, Mother of the Child, Lisa |
Arrange family therapy and grief counseling | Jay, Mother of the Child |
Post mortem financial planning | Jay, Mother of the Child, Dad |
Arrange support group for Jay, possibly for | Jay, others |
Leaving Work for Disability | |
Pay off all debts except mortgage using insurance loan | Jay, Dad |
Shop for new, competitive high speed Internet service, place in Mother of the Child's name | Jay, Dad |
Transition cellular account (specifically my number) from Day Jobbe to my account | Jay, Dad |
Determine how cellular account will be handled post-mortem | Jay, Dad |
Benefits transfer at work | Jay, Dad |
Arrange for life insurance loan at bank | Jay, Mother of the Child, Dad |
Arrange minor home repairs using insurance loan | Jay, Team E. |
Transfer air miles | Jay |
Reaching the Point of Cognitive Incompetence | |
Take me off car insurance, make sure billing is in Mother of the Child's name to ease post-mortem transition | Mother of the Child, Dad |
Confirm treatment decisions | Mother of the Child, Lisa, Dad |
Transition to literary trust | Dad, John P. |
Are there powers of attorney to be executed? My attorney is very cagey about this | attorney, Dad |
Hospice / Palliative Care | |
Execute plan for death at home vs. hospice or hospital facility | Jay, primary care physician |
Death | |
Life insurance payouts | Dad, Mother of the Child |
Pay off mortgage | Dad, Mother of the Child |
Memorial gifts (from Mother of the Child and the estate rather than directly from me) | Dad, Mother of the Child |
Execute will | Dad, Mother of the Child |
Finalize Jay's affaris with health insurance and hospital | Dad, Mother of the Child |
Transition Mother of the Child and | Dad, Mother of the Child |
Apply to Social Security for survivor benefits for Mother of the Child and | Dad, Mother of the Child |
As always, suggestions and comments are invited. Also as always, permission to republish with attribution is granted.