Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[writing] Editing METAtropolis: Green Space

[info]kenscholes and I are a good way through the primary editorial process for METAtropolis: Green Space, the third volume is the highly successful original audiobook series from Audible.com. We have all the stories in hand, and have gone through them all for revision notes. Some are back to the authors, some need a little finalization from either me or Ken, depending on which of us did the primary editing pass.

I'm waiting on my change notes back from Ken, which will also incorporate feedback from series editor Steve Feldberg. And we're on track for project deadlines, which is a good thing.

While I genuinely enjoy editing open call anthologies, there's also a specific pleasure to working with a select group of authors whose work you admire, and can trust. The editorial eye still comes into play, but it's working at a different level. And the fiddly bits to map series continuity across the stories can be fun and challenging as well. We aren't writing tight shared world work like Heroes in Hell or Thieves' World, but the stories still have to hang together and feel of a piece.

In the end, we're dealing with seven voices telling different parts of one much larger metastory which even across all three volumes the reader barely glimpses. It's an interesting approach and fun format, and I feel privileged to have been involved in all three volumes to date. Maybe someday there will be a fourth, that's a wonderful thing for me to imagine.

Tags: friends, meta3, process, writing

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