Eefing — Huh? (Via Daily Idioms, Annotated.)
Would Smell As Sweet: Geo-popularity of Given Names — Apparently I dwell in Sophialand.
Vintage embalming supplies
xkcd on crank cancer cures — You must read the mouseover.
Centuries-old frozen plants revived — Plants that were frozen during the "Little Ice Age" centuries ago have been observed sprouting new growth, scientists say.
Wanted for the Internet of Things: Ant-Sized Computers — A computer two millimeters square is the start of an effort to make chips that can put computer power just about anywhere for the vaunted “Internet of Things.”
Data Won the Election. Now Can It Save the World? — Mmm. Big Data.
The Arctic Ice “Death Spiral”
Why do Muslims keep having to explain themselves? — We hate Islamicist brutes more than any outsiders ever could.
Naming the Perpetrator: Language and “Violence Against Women” — Oddly, I was just thinking about this recently, in the context of cringing at the kind of jokes we found acceptable in my middle school years ca. 1977-1979.
The Obamacare Shock — So yes, it does look as if there’s an Obamacare shock coming: the shock of learning that a public program designed to help a lot of people can, strange to say, end up helping a lot of people — especially when government officials actually try to make it work.
American exceptionalism is a dangerous myth — Move beyond Tea Party lies and phony patriotism. This Memorial Day, let's remember our history honestly.
Supreme Court lifts time limit on some 'actual innocence' appeals — In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court removes the one-year limit on federal appeals for prisoners who can make a 'convincing showing of actual innocence.' Because to court conservatives, your right to be railroaded by police and prosecutors is far more important than your innocence.
Rep. Bachmann will not run for reelection in 2014 — Bachmann, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, said her decision to leave office in 2014 also was not influenced by an ongoing federal investigation into allegations of financial impropriety in her presidential campaign. I'm amazed. I thought the Dunning-Kruger ticket was invincible within the Republican base.
CIA Whistleblower who revealed Torture is still in Jail; Torturers walk Free — Just in case you somehow believe that Obama is a good guy. This is Bush-grade political cowardice.
QotD?: Did you miss me?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (computer logistics)
Hours slept: 5.75 hours (solid)
Body movement: 0.5 hours (stationary bike)
Weight: 248.2
Number of FEMA troops on my block scamming disaster aid slush funds: 0
Currently reading: Thud by Terry Pratchett