Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad says Happy Birthday to me

Coming Soon: “Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction” — A project of which I was a part. I provided the chapter on steampunk. Unfortunately, I did not inquire as to the stable of my co-authors.

Jay Lake and Austin Sirkin in ConversationLocus with a podcast recorded last spring at ICFA. We talk steampunk, mostly.

We are here to protect you. We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of Seanans.[info]seanan_mcguire on (among other things) our current WIP collaboration.

Think SimilarRhetoricians call switching a word from one part of speech to another "anthimeria". (Via Daily Idioms, Annotated.)

Book Domino Chain World Record — Oh, this is so cute. (Thanks to [info]threeoutside.)

There Are Whales Alive Today Who Were Born Before Moby Dick Was Written — (Thanks to [info]threeoutside.)

On Being an OctopusDiving Deep in Search of the Human Mind. (Thanks to AH.)

Fresh-Squeezed: 1951 — Mmm. Oranges.

What We Think Martians Look Like: Photos — Some classic images.

New Science of Cosmography Reveals 3-D Map of the Local Universe

Chester E. McDuffee’s patented diving suit (1911) — Wow. And a cool site it's on, too. (Thanks to David E. Vincent.)

First "Small Modular" Nuclear Reactors Planned for Tennessee

Helicopter Operated By Pure Mind Control

Invisibility 'time cloak' developed

Can “Infinite Variation” Be Mass-Produced Using 3-D Printing?Shapeways looks to software to bring down production costs and time to market in its 3-D printing factory in New York City.

Rep. Marc Veasey condemns racist remarks by Dallas Republican activist“I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they’re going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats,” [Tea Party Republican] Ken Emanuelson said. Are you proud of your Republican Party?

IMF 'to admit mistakes' in handling Greek debt crisis and bailout — Wait? What? Austerity isn't the answer to everything? Clearly we need more tax cuts!

"Yes Virginia, There Are Death Panels": Limbaugh Exploits Child Transplant Patient To Revive Obamacare Myth — Because conservatives lie. Constantly and knowingly. That's what happens when truth and reality aren't ever on your side.

Obama says GOP obstruction of nominations is ‘unprecedented.’ What if he’s right?Republicans deny that their obstructionism is unprecedented. As it happens, though, there is a set of actual facts we can look at to try to determine who is right.

QotD?: When is your birthday?

Writing time yesterday: 2.25 hours (WRPA editing and revising "Hook Agonistes")
Hours slept: 6.75 hours (solid)
Body movement: 0.0 hours (feet hurt)
Weight: n/a (traveling)
Number of FEMA troops on my block creating tornados for political distraction: 0
Currently reading: Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Tags: audio, books, cool, economy, funny, healthcare, language, links, mars, nature, personal, photos, podcasts, politics, process, race, science, stories, tech, videos, weird, writing

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