Time Travel and Gender — Cora Buhlert with more on this topic.
An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments — Hah! (Via
Telling My Child of My Cancer — A wonderful piece from Janet Freeman-Daily.
DNA Double Take — [S]cientists are finding that it’s quite common for an individual to have multiple genomes. Some people, for example, have groups of cells with mutations that are not found in the rest of the body. Some have genomes that came from other people. (Thanks to my Dad.)
World's Strangest Vehicles, Part 2 — Dark Roasted Blend is funny. However, note the blow quote at the top of the article. Heh.
Alien Civilisations: Two Competing Models
Robotic Snakes Could Invade Mars (For Science)
Speaking Very Ill of the Dead
Who Made That Built-In Eraser? — Ah, life's little details. (Via my Dad.)
If you want to get fit, get fidgeting — Forget dieting, weight-lifting and all those work-outs - try fidgeting instead. Because, according to new research from the US Mayo Clinic, tiny exercise performed often enough can have as big an effect as rigorous exercise done less frequently. (Via Daily Idioms, Annotated.)
Intel’s Anthropologist Genevieve Bell Questions the Smart Watch
Why Debunk Climate Change Deniers? — [S]adly, the people who deny the reality around them have a very large megaphone, and in some cases have a lot of motivation to use it. Money, power, riling up the electorate, or, perhaps worst of all, pure zealotry. Nothing is as impenetrable as an armor wrought from fervent ideology. Welcome to conservative America, where the facts are only relevant if they're on the Republican side.
Antarctica Sea Ice Hitting Record Highs — The record sea ice doesn't contradict global warming. Because Antarctic sea ice encircles a frozen continent, the factors controlling its growth are complex, and include winds, warming air temperatures and even the ozone hole. Wind plays a greater role the size of the ice pack than air temperature or ocean currents.
International Politics and the First African American Flight Attendants
Women Can't Vote in Sistersville
David Vitter's kamikaze anti-Obamacare crusade gets even weirder — Are you proud of your Republican party?
Oklahoma National Guard reverses stance on same-sex couple benefits — Oklahoma now joins Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana as the only states that have publicly said they will limit how and where such couples can register for benefits, despite a recent Pentagon directive. It's only the law, and military policy: little things which conservatives care passionately about under most non-gay circumstances. Are you still proud of your Republican party?
The US government has betrayed the internet. We need to take it back — The NSA has undermined a fundamental social contract. We engineers built the internet – and now we have to fix it.
Qotd?: Did I say 'dart gun'?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo brain)
Hours slept: 7.0 hours (solid)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Weight: 247.6
Number of FEMA troops on my block closing golf courses for Agenda 21: 0
Currently reading: n/a (chemo brain)