11 nouns that only have a plural form — (Via the hilarious Slacktivist Fred Clark.)
Do women and men prefer different colors? — Taupe.
Water cribs in Chicago — Weird. (Via Daily Idioms, Annotated.)
Microfluidic Platform Gives Clear Look at a Crucial Step in Cancer Metastasis — (Thanks to Bruce Taylor.)
Phil and Penny Knight to OHSU: $500 million is yours for cancer research if you can match it — This is my treating hospital.
Forget premiums: A peer-to-peer network will cover you — Hmmm. (Via Ellen Eades.)
A Capella Science - Bohemian Gravity! — Oh, wow. This is both hilarious and very cool. On several levels.
The life and death of Buran, the USSR shuttle built on faulty assumptions — After concluding the US Shuttle was a weapons platform, the USSR wanted its own. This is a weird, almost melancholy article.
Seeking Vital Signs in a Lifetime Warranty — Huh.
Radical Self-Respect — Another one of those posts from Feminist Mormon Housewives that makes me sigh. Why should it have to be radical to recognize that you yourself are a human being with needs and desires? The cognitive dissonance that faith brings to some people would be intolerable to me.
The Evangelical Orphan Boom — Given the way American Evangelicals deliberately miseducate their children, and stunt their intellectual growth, I have trouble seeing any of this as a good thing, even before the Christianist abuses documented in this article are taken into account.
Creationism and Religious Freedom — An interesting essay, but I will continue to insist by way of response that religious freedom does not require willful ignorance. Rather, that is a social and political choice made by conservative American Christians, which causes lasting harm to their children, and to everyone else's when one sect imposes its values on public education. (Via Slacktivist Fred Clark.)
Cantaloupe vs. al-Qaeda: What's More Dangerous? — We have more to fear from contaminated cantaloupe than from al-Qaeda, yet the United States spends $75 billion per year spread across 15 intelligence agencies in a scattershot attempt to prevent terrorism, illegally spying on its own citizens in the process. By comparison, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is struggling to secure $1.1 billion in the 2014 federal budget for its food inspection program, while tougher food processing and inspection regulations passed in 2011 are held up by agribusiness lobbying in Congress. (Via David Goldman.)
Honoring Navy Yard Victims, Obama Asks: ‘Do We Care Enough’ to Change? — Clearly not. As a society, we have decided emphatically that the deaths of 30,000 other people every year is a small price to pay for the personal illusion of safety clung to by gun owners. Anyone who joins the NRA or votes Republican is stating this in no uncertain terms with their dollars and their support.
Bruce Schneier: NSA Spying Is Making Us Less Safe — The security researcher Bruce Schneier, who is now helping the Guardian newspaper review Snowden documents, suggests that more revelations are on the way.
?otD: Iron Sky much?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo brain)
Hours slept: 6.25 hours (solid)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Weight: 243.4
Number of FEMA troops on my block violating religious freedom by treating LGBTQ people like human beings: 0
Currently reading: n/a (chemo brain)