Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[personal] The weekend and me

Lisa Costello and I both continue a bit under the weather. She thinks we have the same bug, I am not so certain, though she's probably right. I feel more or less okay in the morning, after a very slow start and a night of oversleeping. By afternoon I am fatigued, logey, mildly headachey, and feel as if I have a fever, though I am not hot. Lisa has much the same symptoms, except with rather stronger headaches.

If she wasn't going through it with me, I would assume these symptoms signal the beginning of my terminal decline, as they're pretty close to what I've been told to expect. Lisa's had this for about ten days, I've had it for about three. So either a slow moving bug, or the hastening of my demise. Cheerful, eh?

We did have a very nice family-and-friends dinner yesterday afternoon. Lisa sat it out at home, due to how ill she was feeling, and I wound up leaving early for similar reasons. Team E— made smoked pork butt, Jersey Girl in Portland made two potato salads, mom made Moroccan sweet potato salad, while [info]tillyjane and AH combined forces for a green salad and some challah bread. Plus various desserts.

Also, [info]the_child came home last night from her East Coast adventures, but Lisa and I had zonked out by then, so I still haven't hugged her hello and heard whatever stories she has to tell.

Laying low today, we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Tags: cancer, child, death, family, food, friends, health, jerseygirl, personal, portland, radiantlisa

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